Gritty Sisters
with Debra Berry, CPC, ELI-MP
Life Transitions Coach
Welcome to Gritty Sisters
Hi . . . I am Debra Berry the founder and owner of Gritty Sisters LLC. Welcome to my website.
Where did the name Gritty Sisters come from? The acronym GRIT is often used to describe the combination of qualities of Guts, Resilience, Initiative, and Tenacity, that represent courage, the ability to bounce back, proactive action, and persistent determination.
Here's a more detailed breakdown of each element:
Guts: Refers to the willingness to take risks and face uncertainty with courage.
Resilience: The ability to bounce back and recover quickly from challenges and setbacks.
Initiative: The quality of taking action and pursuing goals proactively, rather than waiting for instructions.
Tenacity: Persistence and unwavering commitment to a goal or objective, even in the face of difficulties.
Women and family caregivers, of which approximately 65% of caregivers in the United States are women, are the Grittiest individuals I know. However, changes and challenges in life can take a toll on their GRIT. I created Gritty Sisters LLC to empower, inspire, and support women and family caregivers in the hope of helping them to better serve and care for themselves and their loved ones.
Gritty Sisters has a two-fold vision:
To create women's retreats where women experience a space of relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewal and leave feeling refreshed, inspired, and connected to the abundant wellspring of peace and joy within themselves and a reminder of their inherent worth. Read more on the Gritty Sisters Retreat Page.
To create opportunities for individuals caring for a loved one to come together and share their challenges, support one another, celebrate their wins, and learn how to best care for themselves and create more balance and calmness in their role as a caregiver. Read more on the Are You a Caregiver Page.